mercredi 8 juillet 2009

Ben & Julia dans IDN !!!!!!

Exercise in character-building Ben & Julia / Ben West / Sticky Monster Lab

When the story-line has faded from memory, it is the characters that stick in our minds. That is the case with the output of these three highly animated animators – French-Swiss duo Ben & Julia, Australian director Ben West and South Korean collective Sticky Monster Lab.
They all specialize in creating remarkably appealing characters, using very different approaches. And don’t miss our exclusive interviews with them in this issue’s DVD.

lundi 6 juillet 2009

Cannes 2009 encore !....

….avec cette fois-ci, nos chers Dvein sélectionnés par le Saatchi & Saatchi New Directors' Showcase:

Et ci-dessous leur dernière réalisation pour le festival F5 :

mercredi 1 juillet 2009

Pekka Hara remporte un Lion d'argent à Cannes!

Ci-dessous le film Gas Station/ Santec Video Surveillance...